- Fushimi-ku, Japan, 1949 - This man's ability to take you to his ground is a natural apotheosis. His words are capable to transport you to a new and ambiguous state, place or feeling. I love his books and his mind
- Barcelona, Spain 1952 - I devoured his books for years. He helped me a lot to understand what it means good writing, good ideas or imagination. The king of ridiculous and hilarious everyday situations
- Fjallbacka, Sweden, 1974 - This lady has done what I would like to do. Create a universe and take it to print letter. In his case, a serie of police and intrigue books at pure Swedish style
- Aracata, Colombia 1927 - Ciudad de México, 2014 - A man capable of writing as he does, should not be of this world. Simply brilliant or an alien
- Santarem,Portugal 1922- Lanzarote 2010 -This great writer's books are necessary to air our minds and take perspective of the world
- Cartagena, Spain 1951 - His "Alatriste" saga and few other good books makes me follow him at a prudential distance. A controversial but direct guy. And that's always something appreciated...
- Kobe, Japón 1967 - I've read so many books of this writer that I confess that I am abducted by all of her. The first person with whom I would like to have a coffee and wait for the end of the world