The process oriented to build those products or services will be loved by millions of people, can be long and complex. It’s necessary to feed your own body and soul periodically with enough gasoline to make it possible, or at least enjoying the journey. What I am proposing here is a resources compendium could be helpful for your mind in order to enter the open mode and maximize creative process. My recipe is clear: lots of laugh mixed with high doses of literary, TV and film quality, seasoned with a dash of motivation. Enjoy as much as I’ve done using them.
  • Cryptonomicon

    Neal Stephenson, 1999 - I've never read a story with such a great narrative exercise of two interwoven temporal lines. Different wars in different times, but always with the same background
    Criptonomicon techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Haruki Murakami

    Fushimi-ku, Japan, 1949 - This man's ability to take you to his ground is a natural apotheosis. His words are capable to transport you to a new and ambiguous state, place or feeling. I love his books and his mind
    Haruki Murakami techbizdesign hall of fame
  • The dinasty/escape fo JB

    "La saga/fuga de JB" by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, 1972 - A story about Castroforte del Baralla and those with initials JB who have to save such a beautiful place from really grotesque things
    La saga fuga de JB techbizdesign hall of fame
  • 1Q84

    Haruki Murakami, 2009 - A trilogy Murakami 100%. A ticket to another dimension and another world as natural as the one you step on every day
    1Q84 techbizdesign hall of fame
  • The IT Crowd

    Channel 4, 2006 - For a computer engineer like me, this is the closest to real life. A faithful portrait of what a bit worker should face each day. Legendary scenes that I highly recommend.
    IT Crowd techbizdesign hall of fame
  • You will die tomorrow

    "Morirás mañana" by Jaime Bayly, 2010 - Killing seems like is something quotidian. Once you finish this book, you think it's something necessary to remain being a person, or not...
    Moriras mañana techbizdesign hall of fame
  • The Big Bang Theory

    CBS, 2007 - These sitcom characters sustain the TV serie in a masterful way. Over time they've polarized and get the best of themselves. Go scientists...
    The Big Bang Theory techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Wild at heart

    David Lynch, 1990 - One of the few Mr. Lynch movies that can be understood well from end to end
    Corazon Salvaje techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Iliza Shlesinger

    New York, 1983 - The funniest girl I know. An awesome absence of the ridicule sense drives her to explain how women really are and how they behave in privacy. Hilarious.
    Iliza_shlesinger techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Akira

    Katsuhiro Otomo, 1988 - I'm referring to the movie based on the Manga. A message to the world: I love Manga and some other cyberfuturistic movies like "Ghost in the shell"...
    Akira techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Sell is human

    Dan Pink, 2012 - We sell every day. Everywhere. This book helps us to be able to deal with such an arduous task, whether to those who are dedicated professionally or to those who have to do it without thinking
    To sell is human techbizdesign hall of fame business
  • The WTF economy

    Tim O'Reilly, 2017 - A book about the future of a society assaulted by technology and a little minority interests. A book based on our recent past from which we must learn and try to not to fail again
    The WTF economy techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Camila Lackberg

    Fjallbacka, Sweden, 1974 - This lady has done what I would like to do. Create a universe and take it to print letter. In his case, a serie of police and intrigue books at pure Swedish style
    Camila Lackberg techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Tokyo fiancée

    Amelie Nothomb, 2007 - Amelie's japanese boyfriend. An interesting and worthy relationship, especially because of an obvious sentimental disconnection caused by different cultures
  • Dr Slump

    Miss Yamabukiiiiiiii. One of the most complex comic characters to create and understand. A modern creative genius masked in a plump body
    Dr Slump techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Zoolander

    Ben Stiller, 2001 - The first time I saw it I couldn't stop laughing during the entire movie. One of the best parodies about fashioned and stylish people
    Zoolander techbizdesign hall of fame
  • The tunnel

    "El túnel" by Ernesto Sabato, 1948 - A fascinating history about a man's reasons for murder. Several human miseries flow constantly from our own being
    El tunel techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Blade Runner

    Ridley Scott, 1982 - The best movie of all time. No other words...
    Blade Runner techbizdesign hall of fame
  • The magus

    John Fowles, 1977 - A tale full of moments of intrigue, suspense, eroticism and other spicy ingredients that make it especially unique
    El mago techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Bill Murray

    Illinois, USA, 1950 - One of the most coherent person in the world, because he act always just like he is. And he's doing always with making fun and with a lot of integrity. A genius on his own
    Bill Murray techbizdesign hall of fame
  • One hundred years of solitude

    "Cien años de soledad" by Gabriel García Márquez, 1967 - In my opinion, the best novel of all time. The magic realism book that tells the story of one place and family from a different perspective, direct and without artifice
    Cien años de soledad techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Liberty Meadows

    Frank Cho, 1997 - A sanctuary for troubled and instable animals can become the ideal place to make one of the rotten and funniest comic strips of all time
    Liberty Meadows techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Monty Python

    A group of brilliant, transgressive and British people. Blessed humor. Incredible films (The life of Brian, The Knights of the square table ...) and a mythical TV serie (Flying Circus)
    Monty phyton techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Fringe

    FOX, 2008 - One of the best SciFi TV movies of all time. As of the second season, the plot is literally frightening. Fascinating characters for an amazing and surprising story
    Fringe techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Inspired

    Marty Cagan, 2008 - The best book to know the ins and outs of Product Management from one of the best professionals in the world. Essential to know how to handle the success of succeeding products.
  • Fernando Trias de Bes

    Barcelona 1967 - If you want to understand some about Spanish economy, this is your man. Didactic, direct, motivating and friendly storyteller of normally boring stories
    Fernando Trias de Bes techbizdesign hall of fame
  • The scarcity moods

    "Los estados carenciales " by Angela Vallvey, 2002 - A book to dive deep into the human being. A friendly warning: Sometimes it costs to leave again to the surface to take air
    Los estados carenciales techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Corto Maltese

    Hugo Pratt, 1972 - A cynical and solitary character who has given us incredible adventures in romantic places. Venice, the South Seas, lost worlds and our imagination are just some of them
    Corto Maltes techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Daniel H. Pink

    USA, 1964 - Writer and thinker specializing in everything that business and motivation means. A straightforward and intelligent guy who doesn’t fall in the empty words strategy that many others practice
    Dan Pink techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Amelie Nothomb

    Kobe, Japón 1967 - I've read so many books of this writer that I confess that I am abducted by all of her. The first person with whom I would like to have a coffee and wait for the end of the world
    Amelie Nothomb techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Ebora

    Xose Carlos Caneiro, 2000 - The story of a journey, both physical and spiritual, to an unreal place, both physically and spiritually
    Ebora techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Les Luthiers

    My referent for all that is to be agile, scathing, sharp, clever and any other word you need to describe to the greatest comedians of the world. And they also build instruments and play music
    Les luthiers techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Sefarad

    Antonio Muñoz Molina, 2001 - This book's structure fascinated me from the beginning. The same concept, the same concern and the same feelings from multiple views
    Sefarad techbizdesign hall of fame
  • The zero cost marginal society

    Jeremy Rifkin, 2010 - ¿Hacia donde vamos? ¿Que es lo que se vislumbra en el horizonte? ¿El capitalismo perdurará o quedará relegado por otro modelo de sociedad? En este libro encontraréis las respuestas
  • Fear and trembling

    Amelie Nothomb, 1999 - The difficult or almost impossible match between the author and the Japanese business society described with all possible crudeness. And at the same time, a hilarious story
    Estupor y temblores techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Faemino & Cansado

    The absurd led to the greatest. Things like "the pride of the third world" make them deserving to be here. Go around with these two guys must be incredible...
    Faemino y cansado techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Mr. Lopez little doors

    This comic shown me which would has to be my adult life, a respectable gentleman who thinks only in escape from reality in a thousand different ways. Lopez did it thinking in women. Rascal...
  • Jeremy Rifkin

    Denver, USA, 1945 - Sociologist, thinker, influencer and person with well-furnished head. All his thoughts and reasoning go in one direction: making the world a viable place. I support it
    Jeremy Rifkin techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Quim Monzó

    Barcelona, Spain 1952 - I devoured his books for years. He helped me a lot to understand what it means good writing, good ideas or imagination. The king of ridiculous and hilarious everyday situations
    Quin Monzo techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Creativity Inc

    Ed Catmull, 2014 - I love animation, Pixar and their films. Knowing how they are so creative is fantastic. But try to apply it to my professional life is really a challenge...
    Creativity techbizdesign hall of fame creatividad diseño computacional
  • Game of thrones

    HBO, 2011 - A TV movie that honors its millions of followers. Intense, changing, bloody, well made and with characters that you never know if they will follow next season...
    Juego de Tronos techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Protected species

    "Especies protegidas" by Ferran Torrent, 2003 - One of the best books to understand the impunity and corruption of Valencian establishment, created by a great native writer. Essential to understand many things that have been happening during the last years in Spain
    Especies protegidas techbizdesign hall of fame
  • The secret life of Walter Mitty

    Ben Stiller, 2013 - Cinematographic tale of an inner journey that transposes itself into real world. Beautiful natural scenery and nice background story
    La vida secreta de Water Mitty techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Gabriel García Márquez

    Aracata, Colombia 1927 - Ciudad de México, 2014 - A man capable of writing as he does, should not be of this world. Simply brilliant or an alien
    Gabriel Garcia Marquez techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Anthony Jeselnik

    I've never seen anybody more able to make people laugh on the basis of others' suffering and all you might understand as politically incorrect
    Anthony Jeselnyk techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Frasier

    NBC, 1993 - I've spent many pleasant hours revisiting Dr Crane's radiophonic program, again and again.
    Frasier techbizdesign hall of fame
  • House of Cards

    Netflix, 2013 - The ins and outs of American politics uncovered. And best of all: a brutal character, Frank Underwood. The best villain of all time
    House of cards techbizdesign hall of fame
  • José Saramago

    Santarem,Portugal 1922- Lanzarote 2010 -This great writer's books are necessary to air our minds and take perspective of the world
    Jose Saramago techbizdesign hall of fame
  • Arturo Pérez Reverte

    Cartagena, Spain 1951 - His "Alatriste" saga and few other good books makes me follow him at a prudential distance. A controversial but direct guy. And that's always something appreciated...
    Arturo Perez Reverte techbizdesign hall of fame
  • One thousand millions of mussels

    "Mil millones de mejillones" by Fernando Trias de Bes, 2010 - The most successful way of showing the world how bad the Spanish society have done before and during the huge economic crisis that unfortunately (you'll realize after reading the book) deserves us
  • Calvin & Hobbes

    Calvin & Hobbes represent what we always wanted to be as children. Beautiful description of what many of us really think. Ode to all summer nights stretched out in the field staring at the stars and thinking that we are that ... Importants
    Calvin Hobbes techbizdesign hall of fame