Execution is beating innovation. In addition, experience matters. A lot.
This is why big tech companies worldwide are betting strong for Design. And they’re doing it beating the traditional design and new fashionable design thinking, to embrace Computational Design. With it, they pretend to achieve a secret goal: make design accessible for billions of people in Real Time. This new kind of design is changing the business as usual. Because is not all about beauty: is about relevance and tangible results.
This blog pretends to be a beautiful story. Like the old alchemists, this is the story of my personnel search for the perfect tech, biz and design blend that makes possible transform industries, companies and people. How to do that? Obtaining high impact products and services using Computational Design.

The designing tools of the future, most probably based on Artificial Intelligence, will allow us to identify the best potential Return of Investment and help us to get better business model innovation. Storytelling, good communication skills, empathy or a proper customer behavior comprehension are keys to generate really social, environmental or economic value.
How to mix these four pillars to achieve results in innovation? How to build desirable products and services? This is your own business. All I can tell you is I’ve got a very simple iterative process that seems to run properly.

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