- Tim O'Reilly, 2017 - A book about the future of a society assaulted by technology and a little minority interests. A book based on our recent past from which we must learn and try to not to fail again
- "Mil millones de mejillones" by Fernando Trias de Bes, 2010 - The most successful way of showing the world how bad the Spanish society have done before and during the huge economic crisis that unfortunately (you'll realize after reading the book) deserves us
- Jeremy Rifkin, 2010 - ¿Hacia donde vamos? ¿Que es lo que se vislumbra en el horizonte? ¿El capitalismo perdurará o quedará relegado por otro modelo de sociedad? En este libro encontraréis las respuestas
- Dan Pink, 2012 - We sell every day. Everywhere. This book helps us to be able to deal with such an arduous task, whether to those who are dedicated professionally or to those who have to do it without thinking
- Ed Catmull, 2014 - I love animation, Pixar and their films. Knowing how they are so creative is fantastic. But try to apply it to my professional life is really a challenge...